We are happy to welcome new patients to our Practice. Currently, we are only accepting New patient dental appointments. You can be confident that you will receive the highest quality of care in our Practice. We aim to make the patient’s journey, from first enquiry to treatment completion, a smooth and relaxed process.
Our receptionist will arrange a new patient dental appointment or answer any queries you may have. You can contact the practice on 01948 861100
Once we have discussed the dental issues, we will then explain the treatment options available to you. We will provide you with a written treatment plan detailing the options and costs. This is not a rushed affair, and patients are encouraged to take time to consider options. This stage is a two-way process and we are keen to answer your questions and hear your suggestions. This is essential to creating a successful treatment plan.
Once we have agreed on a treatment plan, we can proceed with treatment. Treatment may start on the first appointment if time permits, with priority given to addressing any teeth causing pain.
At Malpas Dental Surgeryy practice we place priority on well-structured and customized recall programs for our patients. We cannot understate the importance of regular hygiene and dental appointments to maintain your dental health. We will place you on a customised text-reminder service. The new patient’s dental care does not finish when a course of treatment is complete.
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